De Oostenrijkse website interviewde de afgelopen weken verschillende menners naar aanleiding van het nieuwe buitenseizoen. Alle menners kregen zes dezelfde vragen over hoe ze nu trainen in de lente en de paarden voorbereiden op komend seizoen. Ook Glenn werd gevraagd zijn ervaringen te delen met de lezers. Lees hier het interview:


• Let's start with a look back ... which 3 words come when you think you in the sense of your Driving sport year 2015?

ZERON (our new horse)

• How do you prepare yourself and your horses, now in spring, for the Driving sport season 2016?

The outdoor horses had a good winter break, we only drove the team on the roads and in the forest in weekends, during the week they were a few hours on the fields when the weather was good and our rider did some horseback riding. Now we are building up the training step by step. Daily driving and riding mixed with relaxation. I also started training the test again to prepare myself and the horses for the coming season.

• How you begin the daily training with your horses?

Unfortunately I still have a full time job. I start working as early as possible, so I can go home in the afternoon to start training. As soon as I get home, I go to our stable. After work it is mostly single and pair training and maximum one day of team training. During the weekend I have more time for extensive training.

• What is on your training schedule? What is, at present, the exact nature of the work with your horses?

Monday is mostly a day off for the horses after an intensive weekend of training. During the week we try to make the training very varied. Single, double, lunging and riding. Every horse has got his own schedule. Saturday is now and then the same as the other days, but often this is a good day for team training. On Sunday, after a week of dressage training, it is time for condition training, so we go out for power training and to clear our minds.

• At which competition will you start in the "green" season?

The first weekend of April we will start at a national show in Bornem. Only dressage and cones. A good start. After that we go to the international show in Horst. The real deal!

• What are your goals in the Driving sport 2016?

- A good result in Aachen
- A good result at the World Championship in Breda
- To be in the Top 10 again for the World Cup
- Belgian Championship in Elsegem

Thank you for the interview, and we wish a very beautiful spring for you and your team… success and fun in the Driving sport!


Via onderstaande link kan je alle interviews lezen van oa. Georg von Stein, Mareike Harm, Stefan Ulrich, Barry Capstick,...